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Is reasoning worth debating?


Parliamentary debates under the Westminster System have evolved into adversarial politics. An alternative is to adopt dialectical materialism, which was proposed by Hegel (1770-1831). According to Hegel, the fundamental principle of the understanding mind is the commitment to the falsehood of contradictions. When an idea is found to involve a contradiction, a new stage in the development of thought must occur.  Hegel called this process dialectic.Hegelian dialectic begins with a thesis, initially taken to be true. Reflection reveals that there is a contradictory point of view to the thesis, which Hegel calls the antithesis, which has an equal claim of legitimacy. A new and third position becomes apparent, which Hegel calls the synthesis. Another antithesis will sooner or later become apparent and another synthesis, and so the process continues.

This gradual, and in Hegel’s view, necessary unfolding of thought is a progression towards absolute truth, indeed towards an absolute universal mind, spirit or Geist.

The Hegelian system is a method of logical reasoning. The current adversarial method is based on tribal counting and other reasoning is seldom applied.

The novel Presumed Dead is crime fiction set in a context of parliamentary debating, warts and all.