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Seneca (d.65 AD) a Roman stoic philosopher had answers for these questions:

Do you have to obey?

When a dog is tied to a cart, if it wants to follow, it is pulled and follows, making its spontaneous act coincide with necessity. But if the dog does not follow, it will be compelled in any case.

Do you obey graciously?
It is not possible that any evil can befall a good man, unperturbed and serene he turns to meet every sally, all adversity he regards as exercise, a test, not punishment. Adversity is exercise. It matters not what you bear, but how you bear it.

Is your hurt and suffering imaginary?  
We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.

A stoical population would be relatively compliant to govern, compared with those holding libertarian beliefs, such as Ayn Rand’s. Seneca’s approach would be less anxiety-inducing, until government becomes oppressive and totalitarian.

My writing on Covid 19 and Government is at