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Causes of problems are not always obvious. An aim in my book Animal Farm 2 is to explain how climate change can have several possible causes requiring caution in adopting a net zero strategy.

Two well-known environmental problems have had difficulties finding causes. In 1958, Rachel Carlson received a letter from a friend in Massachusetts bemoaning the large bird kills that had occurred on Cape Cod as the result of spraying with DDT to kill mosquitoes. Her book ‘Silent Spring’ advocated conservation of ecology and campaigned to ban the use of DDT in the USA, a chloro-carbon shown to magnify in the avian food chain, weakening egg-shells of predator birds. DDT consequently ceased to be used for anti-malaria spraying world-wide. Many people died from malaria who might have lived had DDT spraying continued. Carlson’s data was challenged. DDT spraying is reported to have resumed now in some countries.

Cause of another problem is also uncertain. To mend the Ozone Hole over the Antarctic, scientists realised chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), long-lived chemicals, used in refrigerators and aerosol sprays since the 1930s. In the 1987 Montreal Protocol, an international treaty phased out the production of CFCs. The Ozone Hole experience could have opened the way for mankind to control climate change by limiting air pollution. Scientists have seen the first definitive proof of ozone recovery, observing a 20 percent decrease in ozone depletion during the winter months from 2005 to 2016. Perhaps people suffered fewer skin cancers. But the cause of the Ozone Hole remains uncertain. It forms and disappears on an annual basis, in springtime over Antarctica.

These examples illustrate the difficulty in establishing causes of complex problems having certainty.

The cause of climate change is also uncertain. The accepted view is that combustion producing carbon dioxide traps heat by a greenhouse effect, despite diurnal cooling. Otherwise warming could be by volcanic eruptions, bushfires, Earth orbit change, hydro and nuclear energy supply, or by accumulation in the atmosphere of low temperature spent energy. One way to prevent warming could be to reduce combustion of fossil fuels, which form CO2 as a byproduct. Release of carbon dioxide by desorption in warming oceans, where most is stored, is overlooked.

The carbon dioxide entrapment theory promulgated by Al Gore is that carbon dioxide production is harmful and can be stopped by substituting renewable energy technologies for fossil fuel combustion. But solar energy entrapment is not determined by the a priori properties of the atmosphere containing more carbon dioxide and depends instead on the heat transfer properties at the Earth’s surface. Solar energy warms the atmosphere by convection and conduction of all gases in contact with the surface, not by carbon dioxide alone higher up. Entrapment by a CO2 infrared absorption effect higher up wouldn’t be sufficient for a significant effect from the 0.045% by volume of carbon dioxide.

On Earth, as on the Moon, most ice melting can possibly be attributed to less ice in glaciers, due to reduced precipitation at the poles with, or to a non-atmospheric effect, orbit change, or sublimation. Possibilities abound.

Global warming can be explained as the increase in ambient temperature from anthropomorphic heat consumption. Our spent energy hangs around, by Newton’s Second Law of Thermodynamics, warming environments until radiated into the coldness of space. Hypothesising additional entrapment is overkill, a red herring, redolent of the overreach in the DDT and Ozone Hole theories. The evidence for the theories is unconvincing.

People can feel naked in a hailstorm of sensational reporting of climate events, unless they can blame a greenhouse effect and fossil fuels for climate change. They are comforted by a goal of net zero, meaning a strategy of balancing the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) that’s emitted, to be less than is removed from the atmosphere, because the plan is for the situation to improve, or at least, not to worsen.

Humans probably have never before attempted to control anything as large as the World’s climate, 5.5 quadrillion tons of atmosphere, interacting with the million times larger mass of the Earth. By comparison, the manipulation and effects of A-bombs and Apollo 11 were minuscule. Remediation of the ozone hole could be wishful thinking and we should not realistically expect to be able to remediate climate change similarly because it is a larger problem. The atmosphere is huge, as you may have noticed flying in an aircraft at 10,000 meters, or when you witness air crushing a strong metal oil barrel, which has been evacuated by condensing steam and crumples like a handkerchief. Benignity of the atmosphere cannot be taken for granted. We need to approach climate control with an attitude of humility, not with the intellectual arrogance of student eco-warriors.

To achieve net zero, the roles of the aberrant gases to be reduced need to be identified to plan their demise and to prepare substitutes. Carbon dioxide has a vital role for plants and its concentration is already low. I am not an atmospheric physicist and am a chemical engineer who respects the physical properties and thermodynamics. The details of the greenhouse effect theory seem to me uncertain, shored up by wishful thinking and without ability to verify the net zero theory by results soon enough.

My novel Animal Farm 2 sequels George Orwell’s satire, updating super-power tyranny and including science theories and geopolitics of climate change.

Reviews and excerpts of my nine novels are on my blog



The Earth is warmed as it rotates daily and revolves annually around the Sun. Solar radiation penetrates the Earth’s blanket of gases and is absorbed at the surface, which warms the atmosphere by all the gases conducting, convecting and the surface radiating into space at night. The amount of cooling almost exactly balances the warming, because of the insulating effect of atmospheric gases, called the greenhouse effect. Slight warming, called global warming, known as the enhanced greenhouse effect, is attributed to an effect of carbon dioxide, whose content in the atmosphere is very low and slowly increasing. But Earth’s temperature is insulated from cold space by all the gases. Aberrations such as rapid ice cap and glacier melting, could result from changes in solar emissions or changes in Earth’s orbit. Attributing alteration in the delicate balance of Earth and Sun radiation mediated by infrared emissions, from combustion of fossil fuels alone, is suppositious. The amount of the recent slow increase in carbon dioxide has happened before in Earth’s history. It was not calamitous then and human effects on climate attributed to the industrial revolution could be coincidental.


Energy from the Sun used on Earth is replaced, never renewed. The destiny of all solar energy captured by solar panels and wind turbines is to be converted into low temperature heat by friction in electrical appliances or to be wasted by panel or wind inefficiency, increasing entropy. Newton’s second law prevents low temperature heat being used and a continuous supply of high energy solar radiation is required to power panels and turbines.

Because panels and turbines have efficiencies lower than coal-fired power stations, they require more solar energy for the same kilowatt hours, than does coal electricity. Their entropy is more than produced by electricity from coal and causes more atmospheric warming than coal.


Coal is about 90% carbon. After pulverisation, combustion in a furnace reacts it with oxygen and the hot gases pass through s boiler where the heat is converted to steam by spinning a turbo-generator. The gases pass out through a stack, or chimney, which is usually faraway from human habitation. The gases are mostly carbon dioxide and water vapour. They are absorbed by oceans and are slowly building up in the atmosphere, currently at about 420 ppm or 0.042 % by volume, much lower than in earlier geologic eras. The effect of water vapour on the climate is too difficult to calculate.  The slow increase in carbon dioxide is sufficient, it is claimed, to cause significant global warming although the process is obscure. For this reason, the Australian government is moving to replace coal fired power stations with renewable energy at a significantly higher cost of electricity.

These viewpoints are elaborated in my novel Animal Farm 2, a sequel to George Orwell’s satire (1945) in which the pigs control totalitarian energy supply.

Reviews are on Amazon

My other writing is on my blog:


Animal Farm 2 is a sequel and update on George Orwell’s novel Animal farm (1945).

The story is about totalitarianism, animal liberation and climate change.

The animals have difficulty imagining the amount of global temperature increase and the alternative causes possible. They have most evidence of global warming coming from all kinds of heat emission, including entropy increase from domestic and transport consumption of energy, amid balanced daily solar cycling. An enhanced greenhouse effect is an unnecessary complication, that promotes renewable energy. To reduce environment warming, it is logical to reduce consumption of energy of all kinds.

My book is available on Amazon. Reviews:


To demonstrate that CO2 warms the atmosphere,’ said Stanley, ‘we could empty two identical grain silos and fill one with air and the other with pure COgas piped in from the vodka plant. Then we would put an infrared heater inside each.’

‘Why use infrared heaters?’ asked Pamela his partner.

‘Because infrared radiation from the Sun passes through the atmosphere,’ said Norman. ‘Some is absorbed and the rest warms the Earth’s surfaces or is reradiated.’

‘Would the infrared heat the air?’

‘Indirectly. The metal wall of the silo will warm up and heat the gases by convection and circulation, like the atmosphere.’

‘The metal wall wouldn’t absorb and radiate like the ocean and land, would it?’

‘It could be similar.’

‘How long would you let the two silos heat up for?’

‘Maybe a week. Then we could compare the temperatures reached.’

‘Why did you go for pure CO2? Air has only 0.045%?’ said Pamela.

‘I figured it would be easiest to see any difference with 100% CO2 and then scale the results proportionally down to 0.045%. CO2 would heat up more because it has 20% lower specific heat capacity.’

‘So what would this demonstrate?’

‘It could demonstrate Earth’s atmosphere containing more carbon dioxide would heat up more.’ 

‘Or not.’

‘Yes. It’s a fair test.’

Extracted from Animal Farm 2, by Martin Knox, available from Amazon.