Leonard Bernstein said ‘to achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.’ Do you get more done before a deadline? To perform your best, you need deadlines you can tackle in a series so you hurry all the way. The benefits of hurrying are several including time dilation, according to Einstein. With your mind fully engaged, you can stretch your personal time in its faster frame, finish earlier and stay younger. This theory of Extreme Flow is explained in my new novel, Time is Gold, available on Amazon, for anyone who wants to get more done in their performance time: musicians; writers; runners and others

About martinknox

Materially minimalist; gastronomically prefer food I cook; biologically an unattached male survivor; economically independent; sociologically a learner and teacher of science; psychologically selfaltruistic; anthropologically West Country English tenant farmer; religiously variable; ethically case by case; philosophically a sceptical Popperian.

Posted on December 2, 2020, in Extreme-flow, Time is Gold and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on IMPROVING PERFORMANCES ALL THE WAY.

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