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Animal Farm 2 is a 2021 sequel by Martin Knox to Animal Farm, published in 1945, a satirical novel by George Orwell. The first book told a story of farm animals that revolted against their farmer and took over the running of the farm. The pigs moved into the farmhouse and forced the animals to slave on the farm for their benefit.

The new satire updates Orwell’s story continuing to parallel Russia’s revolution under dictator Stalin’s totalitarian regime. The farm is on a fictional island Caruba, controlled by Russia, near the other superpower, the Democratic Union. In the sequel, the farm has a microcosm of conditions in parallel with Soviet developments: the Cold War, perestroika, climate change and invasion of Ukraine.

A boar dictator, Dimitri, uses climate policy to continue his predecessors totalitarian tyranny, with arbitrary ideology, centralisation, promulgation of fear in the population, privations and individual superfluity.

His energy diplomatic envoy, Algy, a large white boar, travels worldwide promoting his Greenhouse Gases theory of global warming. The animals learn climate science, debating in pidgin English the validity of the theory and the shutting down of their coal mine, which is their only source of income.

When Dimitri’s energy policy impoverishes the islanders, they unite in a second revolution.

Will they achieve the liberation they want? Will they be able to run the farm without pigs?

The novel has farm dramas alternating with explanations of basic climate science that contradict several orthodoxies and are supported by the literature.

The purpose of Animal Farm 2 is to entertain by exposing fake science and the manipulation of climate policies for private gain.  The exegesis here is not intended to win debates but rather to show that there are credible alternative viewpoints that can be investigated, probably resulting in policy reversals.

Animal Farm 2 is available on Amazon at this link

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